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White House official misstates cannabis rescheduling impact (Newsletter: May 29, 2024)



South African legal marijuana law signed; DE medical cannabis expansion; Atlanta psychedelics; NH legalization vote; Equity polling; MO revenue

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White House Office of National Drug Control Policy Director Rahul Gupta said marijuana rescheduling will have a “historic and long-lasting impact” that could make banks more willing to work with the industry via “legitimate interstate commerce”—but he also questionably said it would alleviate the “racial disparity” in cannabis enforcement.

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa signed a marijuana legalization bill into law that will allow adults to grow their own cannabis.

Delaware Gov. John Carney (D) signed a bill to expand medical cannabis access—including by allowing doctors to recommend marijuana for any condition they see fit and letting patients over age 65 self certify without physician involvement.

A majority of the Atlanta, Georgia City Council is sponsoring a resolution calling on officials to study adding coverage for psilocybin and ketamine as mental health treatments under the city’s healthcare plan for firefighters, police and other government workers.

A former New Hampshire representative and officials with the ACLU of New Hampshire and Marijuana Policy Project coauthored a Marijuana Moment op-ed calling on lawmakers to pass a cannabis legalization bill this session even if its provisions are not ideal.

The Parabola Center’s Shaleen Title argues in a Marijuana Moment op-ed that new polling on how Americans want legalization to be shaped provides support for not allowing “corporate interests to co-opt cannabis reform behind a facade of social justice.”

The Missouri Division of Cannabis Regulation disbursed another batch of $15 million in marijuana revenue to fund veterans programs, drug treatment and public defender services.


Several retired military officials coauthored an op-ed criticizing House Armed Services Committee Chairman Mike Rogers (R-AL) for allowing provisions to ban marijuana testing of military recruits in the National Defense Authorization Act.

The Library of Congress noted a recent German court decision on the limit for a “non-minor quantity” of cannabis.

Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) noted the previous medical cannabis coordination work that a newly confirmed federal judge did in the U.S. attorney for Arizona’s office.

Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) said he supports marijuana banking legislation.


Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (D) signed a bill making several revisions to the state’s marijuana laws, including provisions to allow recreational cultivation to start this year.

Wisconsin’s Assembly speaker said he wants to ban intoxicating hemp derivatives.

The Texas Senate State Affairs Committee will hold a hearing on the lieutenant governor’s push to ban intoxicating hemp products on Wednesday.

Ohio revised marijuana rules took effect.

Alaska regulators are proposing changes to rules on marijuana dispensary pick-up or drive-through windows.

Massachusetts regulators posted a bulletin about marijuana advertising activities.

Colorado regulators will host a work group meeting on draft psychedelics rules on Friday.

Nevada regulators will hold a hearing on proposed marijuana rules changes on June 20.

Marijuana Moment is tracking more than 1,500 cannabis, psychedelics and drug policy bills in state legislatures and Congress this year. Patreon supporters pledging at least $25/month get access to our interactive maps, charts and hearing calendar so they don’t miss any developments.

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Roanoke, Virginia mayoral candidates discussed their experience, or lack thereof, with marijuana.


Nepal’s finance minister announced a plan to legalize commercial cultivation of medical cannabis.

A UK lawmaker is helping to launch a new task force aimed at positioning the country as a leader in cannabinoid science.

A New Zealand judge expressed concern about licensed cannabis cultivators obtaining seeds and plants from illicit sources.

Alberta, Canada’s government is funding research on the impact of marijuana legalization on youth.


A study found “an increase in hospitalization rates among younger adults (18–24) before legalization, yet no increased risk was associated with cannabis legalization, for either younger (18–24) or older adults (25+).”


The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review editorial board is calling on the Biden administration to do more to bring home U.S. citizen Marc Fogel, who is jailed in Russia for possessing medical cannabis.


Organigram Holdings Inc. signed an agreement with Avida Medical to supply medical cannabis flower to the UK market.


Stephen Colbert joked about a new study showing that daily marijuana use has outpaced daily alcohol drinking in the U.S.

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Tom Angell is the editor of Marijuana Moment. A 20-year veteran in the cannabis law reform movement, he covers the policy and politics of marijuana. Separately, he founded the nonprofit Marijuana Majority. Previously he reported for and MassRoots, and handled media relations and campaigns for Law Enforcement Against Prohibition and Students for Sensible Drug Policy.


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